

Regain comfort and embrace your silhouette with Breast Reduction in London


Dr. Sherif Wakil

Breast reduction surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure called a mammoplasty. As the name suggests, the operation can reduce the size of the female breast and is particularly appropriate to reduce the physical strain and emotional toll of living with large, heavy breasts.

Impressive Achievements by Dr Sherif Wakils


Years of Experience

25 000

Procedures Performed


Medical Professionals Taught

How does it work?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to decrease the size of the breasts and improve their shape and proportions.

During breast reduction surgery, excess breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed to achieve the desired breast size and shape. The surgeon will carefully reshape the remaining breast tissue and reposition the nipple to create a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.

Breast reduction surgery is typically performed to address physical discomfort and improve quality of life, it can also have significant aesthetic benefits. Our experienced surgeon can discuss your specific goals and concerns, tailoring the procedure to give you the size and shape that best suits your desires and enhances your overall well-being.

It's important to note that breast reduction surgery does not typically involve the use of implants. Instead, the procedure focuses on reducing breast size and reshaping the breasts using your natural breast tissue.

Ultimately, breast reduction surgery aims to improve your physical comfort, enhance your body proportions, and boost your self-confidence, allowing you to enjoy a more balanced and harmonious breast appearance.

Breast Reduction Benefits

Experience a transformation with Breast Reduction, a surgical procedure designed to alleviate physical discomfort and enhance your natural contours. This innovative technique reduces breast size, relieving the strain on your back, neck, and shoulders while improving your overall body proportions. Benefit from a shapelier, more balanced silhouette and a newfound sense of confidence as you embrace a more comfortable and harmonious lifestyle. Discover the positive effects of this procedure as reported by our satisfied clients:

  • Balanced, well-proportioned breasts
  • Relief from physical discomfort
  • Improved posture and reduction in skin irritations
  • Better fitting clothing and expanded wardrobe choices
  • Enhanced self-esteem and confidence
  • Increase in physical activity comfort and overall quality of life

Conditions Treated

Size Reduction

Physical Discomfort

Breast Shape

Breast Reduction Explained

We warmly invite you to watch a detailed video where Dr. Sherif Wakil, a highly respected expert in the field, carefully explains every part of the treatment process. In this video, Dr. Wakil breaks down the procedure into simple steps, using easy-to-understand language that makes the complex treatment procedure more accessible to everyone. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the procedure from an acknowledged authority in the field.

Treatment Summary at a glance

Procedure Time

1-3 hours

Recommended No. of Treatments




Side Effects:

Pain, swelling, bruising and tightness to the chest.


Reduction in size and shape of the breast.

Duration of results:


Back to work:

After 2 weeks

Full Recovery:

3-9 months

Treatment Cost

Price from:


* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.

Treatment Effects



Frequently Asked Questions

Am i suitable for this treatment?

Your suitability for breast reduction will be assessed by our surgeon who will decide if you are the correct candidate for the procedure. A full medical history will also be taken to make sure that there are no contraindications for you to have the procedure, such as any medication that you may be taking, underlying health conditions, your wound healing history, or past breast surgeries.

Pregnant and breast-feeding women are not suitable for surgical procedures.

Breast reduction surgery may also lead to an inability to breast feed in future. If this is important to you, please discuss it with our surgeon who can endeavour to preserve vital tissue required for breast feeding.

Does it hurt?

How long does it take?

Is there any downtime/recovery time?

What kind of results can I expect?

Patients Testimonials

I had my breast implants removed a year ago, and my condfidence just went with them. I didnt want to have surgery so I looked into alternate procedures and met Dr. Wakil. I am so happy with the results, I feel so confident now, it just makes me feel more of a woman again.


42 Years Old, UK

See what our Patients say

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Dr Sherif Wakil is regularly interviewed by the mainstream press as an expert in the subject of sexual health and well-being.

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